Preserving and Encouraging Self-Determination in Adult Protection

The study reconstructs practices of preserving and encouraging self-determination in the field of adult protection. An additional research question adresses the importance of the federal and cantonal legal prescriptions. The project identifies best practices and aims on the development of improvements for practical use.

  • Project description (completed research project)

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    The project examines the historical and today’s practice of adult protection in respect to practices, organizational structures and cultures which preserve and encourage clients' self-determination. The project has four intertwined parts: In the main part, we focus on the decision-making process of the adult protection authorities. In the second part, a legal analysis on the law regulations since 1960 on the federal and cantonal law level in three cantons is carried out. Because practices are also influenced by the professional discourse in adult protection and by discourses in the public sphere, the third project part contains a historical discourse analysis. The fourth part of the project elaborates recommendations for the preservation and the encouragement of self-determination.

  • Results

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    The summary of the results for this project are available here:

  • Original title

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    Preserving and Encouraging Self-Determination in Adult Protection