From generation to generation: Family narratives within the context of welfare and coercion

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This project explores the impact of administrative care on the next generation, i.e. how the families deal with the traumas experienced and which conclusions can be drawn for the further development of child protection as well as current and future child-raising assistance.

  • Project description (completed research project)

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    Our project investigates the aftereffects of trauma on the descendants of persons subjected to administrative detention, for instance disconnection disorders, heteronomy, powerlessness, violence, abuse, coldness, stigmatization, and social precariousness. We are interested in the coping strategies of the families, institutions, and society. To this effect, we interviewed second-generation relatives on their biographies. The insights were combined with known facts of the directly impacted first generation. To round this off, we have learned, from a comparison group, i.e. persons who mainly grew up in children’s homes after 1981, how our insights could be applied to current and future practice.

  • Results

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    The summary of the results for this project are available here:

  • Original title

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    Intersectional transmission processes between persons affected by enforced fostering and their offsprings: A biographical-reconstructive study of individual coping strategies and societal conditions