Communicative practices in the establishment of guardian- or deputyship

© Adobestock

Only if you understand and are understood can you represent your own interests within the scope of guardianship or deputyship proceedings. An interdisciplinary team has carried out interviews and observations and reviewed files to determine how the authorities involve persons with a disability in such proceedings.

  • Project description (completed research project)

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    Guardianship or deputyship measures are subject to administrative proceedings carried out by means of both written and spoken communicative practices by the authorities. The design of communication is essential with regard to actively involving the persons concerned in the proceedings or excluding them from them. This project provides an in-depth insight into the communicative practices applied in proceedings with persons with communication disabilities in the period between 1970 and today. To this effect, we survied the persons concerned as well as the authorities involved, reviewed files and analyzed hearings. The change in communicative practices were investigated with due regard for the development of expert discourse. Communication guidelines for the authorities in proceedings involving persons with disabilities were then worked out.

  • Results

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    The summary of the results for this project are available here:

  • Original title

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    Communicative practices in the establishment of guardian- or deputyship – creating opportunities to understand and participate for individuals with disabilities