Child protection and foster care: The impact of institutions, funding, and implementation
How do federalistic differences manifest themselves in child protection? To which degree do they influence child protection and foster care policies? Which measures will be funded at which regional level? Is there a correlation between funding, the authority to decide, and responsibility?
Project description (completed research project)
This project ensures a systematic analysis of cantonal child protection policies, their inherent financial dependencies, and the impact on child protection practice in 26 cantons over the course of time. To the present state of knowledge, no in-depth investigation of the economic ties resulting from these cantonal policies has been carried out. This project bridges this research gap by analyzing the different organizational framework conditions as well as the various financing mechanisms applied between 1970 and today. The systematic analysis of the political and financial structures in the cantons over the course of time and the combination of economic and the political analyses contributes to improving child protection with the means available.
Original title
Effects of institutional settings, financing systems andimplementation policies on placements
The summary of the results for this project are available here:
Summary of the results (german) (PDF)
Summary of the results (french) (PDF)